Sunday 10 January 2010

Swans High Drama !

Since the Cygnets have stayed with the parents all winter I have been asked umpteen times why haven't they gone yet ? My answer has always been that the parents have been keeping them around as insurance, to help ward off the intruder male Swan (Cob) that tried to take over the place last January. My hunch has today been vindicated with the return of the Same Cob into the river.

He was quickly ejected by our resident pair, who homed in on him like a couple of US drones !

The cygnets were all cheeping excitedly and adopting the same raised wing mode as the parents. The intruder at first tested the resolve of our pair by swimming upstream, but was quickly turned round and escorted towards the piers. I note that the intruder turned up last year on the 24th January and was finally ejected on the 8th Feb, he is 2 weeks earlier this year, perhaps this indicates an earlier spring or just desperation on his part . I dont fancy his chances at ousting our pair and 8 cygnets though ! I feel kinda sorry for him, his territory is probably frozen over and he might just be looking for food ! A few nights ago a single swan was spotted on the football field at the links, I think it came down in the dark thinking it was landing on water when in fact it was the reflection of the ice !

Enclosed sequence of photos of the High Drama this afternoon .

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