Thursday, 26 April 2018


Many people are unaware of the facts surrounding our river Ducks.
Mallard Ducks are one of the most prolific and successful waterbirds on the Planet They have been domesticated for hundreds of years, and readily live alongside humans. 
The female lays around 12 eggs over two or three weeks, then sits on the them for 28 days until hatched. The Male usually deserts the female once incubation has started and plays no part in rearing the ducklings. This is why so many males gather together in the river during the spring and summer months.

The female plumage is generally various shades of brown, this allows her to camouflage easier when nesting.

During the egg laying period, the duck leaves the nest and covers the eggs with feathers. The eggs at this stage are cold and only when all the clutch is laid must they be kept warm during incubation. Only the females actually Quack, the males make more of a chirping sound. 

Ducklings are able to fend for themselves within a couple of days of hatching, but are reliant on the mother for about 50 days until they are fledged. 
They are easy prey to many predators, Gulls, Crows, Herons, Otters, Mink, Foxes, Cats, Dogs and others.

 Most likely this is the reason for such large broods. They feed on Larvae, insects, aquatic vegetation, snails, worms, slugs, cereals and seeds. The weather has a major impact on the chances of survival, cold weather reduces the amount of food available, exactly when they need it most to keep out the cold.
Due to the massive increase in Dog ownership, ducks are having to be more skilful at choosing safe nest sites away from predators. They use urban environments more and more, and can nest in the most unusual places. Garden shrubbery, old wood piles, discarded fishing creels, boats, even old flower pots, Mallards are specialists at hiding their nests. One of the reasons they are such a successful species.
The adult birds moult after breeding and cannot fly for about a month, this makes them vulnerable to predators.
People sometimes inadvertently cause fatalities by throwing bread to them, this only serves to attract predators like Crows and Gulls who then feed on the ducklings. In any case, white bread is bad for ducks and has no nutritional value. 

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