What a tonic to get a couple of days sunlight ! Has been a fairly eventful week with the moat clean out, and a near disaster with one of the cygnets getting caught up in fishing line - again !
It was fortunate I was on hand the other evening when some very small kids were fishing off the harbour wall near the smoke shed. One of them had an unattended rod sitting over the wall with the line in the middle of the river with the swans around it, I grabbed the rod and tried to haul the line in but one of the cygnets legs was caught on the line. It panicked and they all tried to get into the harbour, I thought for a minute that it was going to be a nightmare scenario as the cygnet struggled trying to break free. I held on and tried to pull the bird closer to the steps with the rod and line but no chance - it was too strong. In desperation I gave the line a good pull and the hook and lead weight came away! Whew...I was so relieved for it would have been really difficult to try and catch the grown cygnet. I wish parents would warn their kids to keep their fishing lines out of the water when the Swans are close by, better still I wish there was no fishing allowed from the harbour walls ! The Nairn Swan family are an important tourist attraction and should be protected. Any doubts people have about their value should take a look at the photo of the 8 tourists from France and Manchester, enjoying the thrill of our wildlife !