Today it is official, the last decade has been the warmest on record.
Having given some thought to how we could halt climate change, I have come to the conclusion that only a global Declaration of War on climate change would succeed. My Answer Below.
Challenge to combat climate change and global warming, with all the
catastrophic effects this will have on the whole planet, can only be
successfully achieved by a global response. A time limit of 10 years to prevent
irreversible damage can only be done by a human species united DECLARATION of
WAR on climate change.
To this
end all international organisations MUST come together with a Ten Year plan to
win this war. Current conventions like the Paris climate accord and COP26 Plus
the United nations should meet and form a new global alliance with all
countries on Earth. To declare War and create a binding strategy to this end.
All countries to be equally represented and make a solemn and binding
commitment to pool 50% of their annual military and space budgets to fighting
climate change and saving the Planet.
This may
seem an impossible ask, but while we concentrate on fighting climate change, we
are in fact less likely to be fighting each other.
There is
a simple logic to this, and plenty of historical precedents such as the second
world war. This war should be a lot less bloody, but in many ways much more
important to win.
United Nations should be the body to pool the resources and organise the
expertise, scientific and otherwise, to develop a global strategy to repair the
already know the causes of global warming and what has to be done to reverse
this, the problem always seems to be MONEY and who loses out by taking action.
Hence the reason for the 50% pooled global budget.
like China, Australia, Poland and the USA, are always opposed to anything that
stops them mining and using Coal for power and economic wealth. These countries
can be compensated from the pooled budget, as they phase out and stop using
fossil fuels completely within 10 years. In addition, a country like Australia
could be compensated by subsidising renewable energy sources like solar power
making use of their abundance of natural sunlight. Likewise all countries
should be looked at for their natural resources and what is best suited to
their needs. Brazil knows the value of their rainforests to the Planet, and
also the value of their timber and farming. Again they have to be encouraged to
look on their Trees as carbon capture devices and paid accordingly for keeping them.
This template
can be used on a global scale, and planting trees should be encouraged and paid
for from the pooled resources.
wasteful use of the planets resources and commercialisation has to be changed,
and education is the key for everyone. Women have to look at themselves
differently and the wasteful fashion industry has to stop. Phasing out of all
fossil fuels has to be accelerated, and electrification and renewables used
wherever possible. The exploitation of hydrogen as an addition to Natural gas
could reduce carbon emissions by millions of tons.
leading experts on climate change have to be employed by the UN to oversee new
departments of climate change. For example a department on re-wilding and
reforestation should look at the planets forests that have been lost over the
last century, and should be reinstated as part of the carbon capture program,
and soil erosion prevention.
department on fossil fuel and Petro chemical use could be set up to see where
this can be minimised, stopped and converted, wherever possible.
consumerism habits and over consumption would also have to be tackled,
preventing the over production of palm oil plantations, as well as the farming
of beef by destroying woodland and rainforests.
We know
what the world was like 50 and 100 years ago and what we as a species have done
to cause Climate change. We have the global knowledge and access to all human
history and knowledge to correct our mistakes. As the apparent Apex species It
is criminal not to act in the best interests of all species, and reverse what
damage we have done as swiftly as possible.
reducing the extreme effects of climate change, rising sea levels, extreme
floods, damage due to storms, heatwaves and fire. The savings made would
ultimately pay for the war on climate change anyway.
global population of over 7.4 billion humans, would not be adversely affected by
a 50% reduction in military and space budgets over the next decade, so there is
no reason for political leaders not to agree to such a plan. Repairing this
Planet first is more important than visiting others!
My Father
was a coal miner 80 years ago, and he was asked to dig coal for the War effort,
to win the war. We did not know the damage that was being done to the Planet by
theuse of coal, now we do. That war was
won, this war can also be won, we have the knowledge and the skills. The time
for talk is over, a declaration of War, commitment and action is now required!
politicians can either leave a legacy as the leaders of the roaring twenties
that halted climate change…or the doomed dictatorial deniers, responsible for
irreversible catastrophic climate change.
A Ten
year legally binding global declaration of War on climate change should
be implemented without delay.
Awoke to another life and death struggle in the garden this morning. Pigeon had been attacked by a Sparrowhawk and incredibly managed to wedge itself partly under a water bowl.
Only the wings and tail were visible and the Hawk was unable to get at it's neck or back for the kill. When I opened the door the Hawk flew off and the pigeon was saved. It has lost all it's tail feathers and some from the back of the neck , but otherwise unharmed. I will keep it until tail feathers regrow before releasing it. A very narrow gap, provided a narrow escape !
This is the seventh year since the Trust was founded for the benefit of the River Nairn waterbirds.
They have never been so numerous and in such good health, thanks to the Trust and it's members.
The annual accounts for 2019 are as follows. Total Outgoings were £3564 -72 Total Income £2706, Giving a deficit of £858 -72 for the year. Once again we have a deficit, and in order that we have no debt I will personally fund this shortfall.
Sadly we lost several good members this year, due to bereavements and some moving away from the locality. Although we had no cygnets this year, the Trust commitment to the welfare of the birds and their environment is Total. Membership is the primary contributor to the Trust, and new members are welcome.
The Trust is a non profit organisation, and every penny raised goes exclusively to the care and welfare of the birds.
For the past 18 years I've had the privilege of watching and caring for the resident Swans on our local river estuary. I have been charmed and fascinated by their parental skills and beauty in the water, they are Simply Superb Swans.
Annual Membership to the River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust is £20 for a family, can be paid securely through the PayPal Donate button below.
Thank you.
The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust has been established just over 8 years. It has been brought to my attention that some indiv...
All Donations go to River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust.
EMERGENCY BIRD RESCUE, CONTACT The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust, PHONE or TEXT 0774861 6587. or Scottish SPCA 03000 999 999. Or email
Ducks often nest in gardens and unusual places in the Town, where the hatched ducklings are unable to get to a watercourse safely. The Trust will catch Mother and ducklings and get them to safety. Please do not throw bread to ducklings as this will only attract predators that will kill them.