As for the pigeons...
After some rest and preening, I left the door of the Aviary open this morning for the two young pigeons to leave. When one of the local feral pigeons came in
and basically showed them the way out ! They flew out on top of my house, then joined a group across the way. They are both free.

Success! You are such a beautiful person!
Was wondering, one of our Trumpeter swans showed up with a chip on the left side of his beak near the front...Is there anything we can do for him besides extra food? or what do you recommend?
Hi Sari, I expect your Trumpeter has been fighting with another Swan and sustained the chip injury ? Our Mute Swans often clash with their bills and get small chip injuries which do heal within weeks. All I can suggest is keep a close eye on it, if it appears to get worse or infected, then it might need Antibiotics.
How big a chip are you talking about ? Feed it well, if it's in good health it will be less likely to get sick.
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