2007 was the year that completely changed my view on the Swans place on the River Nairn. This was both a year of disaster and triumph for the Swans.
The disasters of that year were many, Popeye and Penny after failing to nest successfully on the island strip at the roadbridge in 2006, then tried to nest within the harbour 2007 - only to have their nest swamped time and again by the spring tides.
This was followed by our resident swans returning to the harbour with their cygnets, only to be attacked and have all their cygnets killed by Popeye who considered he was protecting his new found nest site and territory. This was then followed by more tragedy when our resident cob hit power lines at lochloy and died a few days later. I found the whole of that summer very upsetting and resolved to find a solution for the Swans future. The answer lay in the creation of the Swans nesting island.
This would provide a permanent and fairly safe environment for the swans, who would not have to risk hitting power lines and also leaving their territory to be taken over by other intruders. Top photo taken May the 6th 2005, shows first time I ever saw Popeye and Penny, the following year their failed attempt at nesting on the island strip, then the flooded nest in the harbour 2007. Finally their first successful hatching of 4 cygnets April 19th 2008. They have now successfully reared another 35 cygnets to date !
For the past 18 years I've had the privilege of watching and caring for the resident Swans on our local river estuary. I have been charmed and fascinated by their parental skills and beauty in the water, they are Simply Superb Swans.
Annual Membership to the River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust is £20 for a family, can be paid securely through the PayPal Donate button below.
Thank you.
The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust has been established just over 8 years. It has been brought to my attention that some indiv...
All Donations go to River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust.
EMERGENCY BIRD RESCUE, CONTACT The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust, PHONE or TEXT 0774861 6587. or Scottish SPCA 03000 999 999. Or email jayteescot1@hotmail.com
Ducks often nest in gardens and unusual places in the Town, where the hatched ducklings are unable to get to a watercourse safely. The Trust will catch Mother and ducklings and get them to safety. Please do not throw bread to ducklings as this will only attract predators that will kill them.
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