Sunday 8 June 2014

Active Week

Has been a pretty active week with the transfer of the 9 saved ducklings into the river, and moving the mother with the broken wing and her ducklings into the Aviary.

Also found a dead cat in the moat beside the Swans island earlier in the week. 

After contacting the Vets, it was claimed by someone near Harbour street. It had been dead for nearly a week and I had to remove it for fear of contamination. The other 2 ducklings I hatched in the house have now been moved to the coop.

 So far 76 ducklings have been taken by predators, leaving only 9 surviving - excluding the ones I have managed to save. 

Cygnets are growing fast and I try and give them some soft grass every day, so if you want to feed them, then pull some nice soft green grass - much better than white bread which has no nutritional value.


Eek, whits the reek said...

Come on Joe, kids read this page.
I don't think that there is any call for pictures of dead cats and women's sanitary items.

Not cool

jayteescot1 said...

Sadly this blog is for everyone, and reality is sometimes not cool. I was trying to make a serious point about sewage and contamination getting into the river- a fact that some people deny.