Monday 21 December 2009


Mid winters day, and Christmas just a few days away looks and feels like it too. The birds are in need of good cheer by way of food and water. With the ground snowed over and nightly frosts it's important to put some feeding out for the birds, this weather is hard on them and the longer it continues the worse it gets. The festive season means plenty of grub for us, and all the uneaten biscuits and sandwiches can be put to good use for the birds. A word of warning though, don't put out soft fats or oil leftovers from the turkey or roasts, this can get onto their feathers and destroy the waterproofing that they need to keep warm. Crumbs that contain fat are good, and proper grease balls with seeds are ideal. Porridge oats is also enjoyed by many species too. It may not occur to folk to put out water for the birds, but when it's freezing they need water as well !

I hope all my readers have a Warm Christmas and Happy New Year !

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