The legacy of last weeks Spate is strewn all over the beach, and changed the course of the river yet again. The swans island moat has a huge half ton tree root sitting at the end of it. This hulk has no doubt shifted thousands of tons of river shingle on it's way downstream, and probably changed quite a few salmon pools too. I can only hope that next months spring tide will remove it, otherwise it could sit there until we get another flood.
Again nature has dealt a blow to many ducks nests, with many being flooded out, but Penny our Sitting Swan has been spared because there was no high tide to threaten the nest. This has been a tough nesting time with Snow, wind and rain for the past month. It will be interesting to see if she has preserved all her clutch intact, and if they will all hatch next month. It shows the wisdom of the Swans not nesting early when the weather was good, it could have spelt disaster for any hatched young in the past week. Meanwhile the Jackdaws are into their nesting season, and many now picking up dog hair and feathers to line their nests.
Nairnshire Community Newspaper SCIO
4 months ago