Nairnshire Community Newspaper SCIO
2 months ago
WE ARE CUSTODIANS OF THE PLANET AND HAVE A DUTY TO CARE FOR IT. For the past 18 years I've had the privilege of watching and caring for the resident Swans on our local river estuary. I have been charmed and fascinated by their parental skills and beauty in the water, they are Simply Superb Swans. Annual Membership to the River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust is £20 for a family, can be paid securely through the PayPal Donate button below. Thank you.
The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust has been established just over 8 years. It has been brought to my attention that some indiv...
This is what happens when you domesticate wiled life and bring them up with bogs they do not fear the dog and do not have the scene to get out of the way I know you are trying to do your best but just leave it to mother nature to look after the wild life as she has done for centenary's and will continue to do so after you are gone is this not the third one of the ones you rescued??/ to meet a sad end
Anon you are obviously not aware of how these birds were reared. They were not domesticated, had no contact with my dog, and on the odd occasion that they saw it they quickly moved away. They don't even come near me because I was careful to have no imprinting on me. These ducklings were born too late in the year to survive in the river. The reason ducks get onto the bank is to avoid the Seal which is hunting in the river. Put the blame where it lies, squarely with the inconsiderate and irresponsible dog owners.
Anon seems to forget that humans domesticated the grey wolf in the first place about 15,000 years ago. Now we have humans who cant even keep their domesticated dog offspring under control. The Mink on the river have been reared by humans and let loose on the wildife as well, so much for letting Mother nature look after the wildlife !
Joe those ducks wouldn't be there unless you were feeding them.
Not true, there might not be as many but they would still be in the Estuary during winter. Tell the seagull feeders the same thing.
Miss Anon,
Goose and Gander are the same species, and one doesn't eat the other !
I see you have much educating to do, regarding leaving the wildlife to the care of mother nature, while the human and its best friend-dog are doing much of the damage to its well being by jeopardizing its very existence. What you do, is preserving the precious lives and caring for their well being by providing food resources which might be lacking in the area, which many folks can choose to ignore or just do not care to see. If a life is taken to preserve another wild animal’s existence, that is a "mother nature," however, when the life is lost due to unrestrained and aggressive dogs, there should be a penalty to pay by its irresponsible and ignorant owners.
You are right dogs should be under control. But just remember your own quote. {If a life is taken to preserve another wild animal’s existence, that is a "mother nature}. When COMPLAINING about seagulls- herons-hoodie crow's mink and all the other animals that have to kill to live and the lower part of the river is just like going into the larder for food and joe is doing a wonderful job of keeping it stocked
Anon, I'm sure if it were left to you we would have nothing but gulls and a river full of junk. At least I don't overtly feed the predators like some idiots I know.
Anon I think you've had enough share of the comments section. Can I suggest you get a life, stop feeding the gulls and causing a nuisance,and start feeding on someone else's blog.
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