Wednesday 27 July 2016

Rescued Cygnet Reunited

Moray Coast Veterinary Nurse Michelle, delivers the recovering cygnet to the care of River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust at Nairn Harbour.

The excitement was obvious, as the cygnet spotted Mum and the rest of the family. 

Penny gave me the head nod protocol and I did likewise as I put the cygnet into the water.

The cygnet was delighted to be back on home territory, and after the initial welcome from the siblings it was time for a wash and brush up.

After the ordeal of the operation to remove the fishing hook from it's throat and the stress of separation, it's relief was plain to see. The only worry I now have is the fact that it started picking at the dissolving sutures, 

hopefully it wont succeed in re - opening the wound, a careful daily watch will be needed.

The Trust would like to thank Moray Coast Vets, and The Scottish SPCA, for their assistance.

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