A new Chapter has begun in the life of the Nairn swans. As I suspected on my previous post, Penny has returned today with a new partner after a weeks absence.
My observations have proved correct and all is now clear what has actually happened since the Death of Popeye last year.
Duke is in fact the son of Popeye and Penny.
How fortunate for Penny that Duke was close to hand after Popeye died, she had a son to keep her company and prevent her losing her island home to another pair of Swans.
Duke of course was sick a couple of times and had to be rescued, but now back to full health. Penny continued with her life and laid 8 eggs in the spring, but nature decreed that these would be infertile between Mother and son.
As winter starts, Penny led Duke away to join a flock, as she would have done with any cygnets that might have hatched this year.
Obviously Penny used the opportunity to seek out a new mate at the same time, and after the last week appears to have succeeded.
However Duke will need to be persuaded to leave the territory, but Penny will do it gently and gradually as her new mate looks on.
This is a remarkable tale on the life of a remarkable Swan. Hopefully she will be able to hold onto her new mate and produce another new generation of cygnets next spring.
He is a handsome fellow and I get the impression that this will be his first mate as an adult, which makes him about 4 years old.
If his markings are anything to go by, I do not think he is related, Penny seems to have chosen well.
Unlike Duke he is not accustomed to human contact and is wary, which is no bad thing.
He is very healthy and slim...which I think might be a good name for him - Slim
as the last photos show, Interesting times ahead !
Our resident Swan Penny has not been seen since last Sunday. Both she and Duke disappeared after last Sunday evenings feed. However Duke flew in last Wednesday, and has been around ever since...Alone!
This is worrying, most unusual and has never happened before. It leads me to suspect what I have thought on occasions, that Duke is actually directly related to Penny - a Son of several years back.
This would normally be the season to offload her cygnet offspring, and since the egg laying was infertile, Duke was in fact the only offspring to offload. As they were both gone for 3 days before Duke returned, it seems likely that Penny has joined a flock somewhere and perhaps trying to find another partner.
The fact is that no truly bonded pair would split up, unless one died or was killed. Penny is in prime condition and still capable of producing a full compliment of eggs. Although she has never left her River home for any more than 3 days in the past 10 years, this would be the best time to leave and find a mate.
The territory is safe at this time of year since no Swans will be looking for territory until January. It is exactly a year since she got in tow with Duke so the time is right for Swans to find partners now. If she turns up with a strong male, Duke will most certainly be pushed out. If Penny has retired completely she may just stay with a flock in her old age, but I think she is far from retirement yet.
The photos are of Duke flying in today against strong blustery winds.
This weekend the new Attenborough series Blue Planet 2 will be shown on TV. I have been a life long admirer of David Attenborough's natural world programs, along with millions of others. The dire warnings emanating from him and the Scientists about Climate change and global warming are increasingly being taken seriously. The effects that humans have on the Planet must be taken seriously by all of us. The Photo here is an example of what we are doing to the Blue Planet.This was apparently displayed on Facebook by a woman named Caroline Power. Then published in the Telegraph.
Today I gave a talk to the Firhall Village Forum on the outskirts of Nairn. I had been asked some time ago if I could give a talk on the River Nairn Wildlife, and the water birds in particular. I have never given a talk to an organised audience before and was reluctant to do so. However for the benefit of the Trust and the birds and with some trepidation I agreed. I was warmly received by a couple of dozen residents all retired over 50, as Firhall is a retirement village.
The talk lasted about an hour and just flew by, unscripted I found it easy to talk about my favourite birds and the relationship I have with them. The Village has a small pond and has a couple of ducks that rear their ducklings every summer.
These ducklings return to the river and ultimately end up down at the lower river, cared for by the Trust. The Forum Chair and residents were most appreciative, and a collection for the Trust at the close raised £111. On behalf of the trust Thank you, I am most grateful for the kind words and generous positive response. They have invited me to return some time in the future too, Thank you.
Today I again had the privilege of being really close to Penny. After knowing her 13 years, I honestly believe she almost considers me as another Swan. She does communicate with me on a daily basis by head nods and grunts. Although I don't know the exact meaning of all the nuances in sounds, I know that some are saying this is good, and please give me more, they are appreciative.
The ultimate feeling of security in my presence is displayed when she sleeps beside me just feet away, what a privilege ! If you have never seen my short film on a year in the life of the Nairn swans then I think you might enjoy it on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Iyer7-U6w&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL Just cut and paste the above link into your browser. It is a reminder of Penny's 9 year contribution and the Summer that never was on the river, It is made up of stills and video, enjoy !
The Angling Season has now ended on the River Nairn, and the riverside birds show the Autumn changes. Flocks of birds can be seen in the air and on the land.
The Redshanks are again frequenting the riverside,
and the Little grebe continues fishing undisturbed.
For the past 18 years I've had the privilege of watching and caring for the resident Swans on our local river estuary. I have been charmed and fascinated by their parental skills and beauty in the water, they are Simply Superb Swans.
Annual Membership to the River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust is £20 for a family, can be paid securely through the PayPal Donate button below.
Thank you.
The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust has been established just over 8 years. It has been brought to my attention that some indiv...
All Donations go to River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust.
EMERGENCY BIRD RESCUE, CONTACT The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust, PHONE or TEXT 0774861 6587. or Scottish SPCA 03000 999 999. Or email jayteescot1@hotmail.com
Ducks often nest in gardens and unusual places in the Town, where the hatched ducklings are unable to get to a watercourse safely. The Trust will catch Mother and ducklings and get them to safety. Please do not throw bread to ducklings as this will only attract predators that will kill them.