Have had several calls for advice on ducklings. Some people are concerned when seeing them in Town far from water trying to make their way back to the river. My experience tells me that Mother Duck knows best , and we should assist only when they are in mortal danger. Some useful things to know about ducks and their behaviour.
The females often choose a nice quiet garden with shrubs and bushes to nest under, it might be half a mile from water. Her mate or mates will usually hang around the area for a while until she has laid all her eggs , which takes about 2 weeks, then she sits on them to incubate for 4 weeks until they hatch. The mates usually have cleared off before then, and leave her to get on with it in peace.

With so many dogs around nowadays, secluded gardens are safer than the river banks. The nest area is spotted from the air and ducks have panoramic vision, so they know how to walk back to the river or any other nearby watercourse. When you spot a duck with a brood of ducklings walking through the streets, do not try to make them change direction... they know where they are heading. Helping them get there can be done by walking about 4 metres behind and stopping traffic when crossing a busy road. I have often successfully escorted mother and ducklings across town from the west end to the river by doing the above.

Remember , don't walk in front or try to lead them, they know the way they want to go. Female ducks by the way are the only ones who Quack, the males don't. If they have chosen a walled or enclosed garden to nest, and cant get their ducklings out, they do tend to make a lot of noise and fuss in desperation, that's when you can open a gate or catch the ducklings and let the mother lead them to the riverside. They rarely leave or abandon them, so let them do their thing.
Newly hatched ducklings do not need food for the first day, as they are living on their yolk sac , do not throw bread to them this will only attract predatory Crows and Gulls.
If you are lucky enough to have ducklings in your garden, just make sure they have access to drinking water. Short video below.