Today the cob saw off another pair of swans and escorted them up over the roadbridge before peeling off and returning to base, top gun couldn't have done a better job ! The Cob takes his role in life very seriously and guards the territory well. He hangs around the river mouth at low tide, and closer to the nest site when the tide is in, ready to
chase any would be squatters.

At last a little bit of warmth, and the Swallows and Sand Martins are skirting the river feeding up for the nesting season. It is generally around the 23rd of April when the Swallows appear in numbers, and the approximate departure date of the Geese too.
I was surprised to see a Swallow resting on a bush briefly, something you dont see very often.
I managed to get a few shots of the Swallows and Sand Martins feeding, best I could do with the available camera.