This may have been one of the worst local summer seasons weather wise, but the River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust continues to grow and do the business of caring for our River birds. We currently have 157 members and all should be proud of the part they play in supporting our river wildlife. The remarkable success and growth of the waterbird population is testament to your contribution - Thank you and well done ! I am heartened by the amount of positive comments from local residents and visitors alike who positively love to see our thriving river population.
In addition to local members we have members from all over Scotland and the rest of the UK, as well as some members around the world. Supporting our wildlife costs the Trust over £2500 a year as well as many hours of voluntary unpaid work every week. As yet, no financial contributions has ever come from our local community council which many people cant understand, since the community and Nairn benefit from the Trusts work and the council have funds available. The Trust is non political and will not get drawn into divisive local politics, we take a pragmatic approach and concentrate on the welfare of the waterbirds and maintenance of their environment.
Caring for sick and injured birds, removal of litter, remedial work to the island and moat, and destruction of dangerous alien plant species are some of the voluntary tasks we do.
"Gluey" our dominant male cygnet was showing off his wings today, what a fine cygnet he is turning out to be.
He was also seeking out Algae from the river rocks, edible River weed is now in short supply and with the neap tides they don't have easy access to the seaweed until lower tides next week. I have started giving the family some carrots to supplement their vegan dietary needs, all the birds are in excellent health.
I had the opportunity of a duck count the other evening when they were all settled down for the night - I counted 150.
Many of the ducks that had been away nesting have now returned minus their offspring ! The crows and other predators have all but annihilated this years ducklings.
Only two female ducks out of 45 that were able to nest, have successfully managed to save 3 and 4 from their broods. Well over 100 ducklings were lost to predators that I know of, but the number is more likely to be double or treble that amount.
Even the ones that I managed to help for several weeks before releasing them to the river had a hard time, with about a quarter still being taken, including the beautiful white duck.
However more than a dozen have survived and thankfully most of those are female. Having done it myself I know just how hard it is for ducks to rear their offspring, they have my total admiration and sympathy. The Trust provides feed for the swans and ducks every day, they each receive an average of around 2.2 ounces of grain per day which I try to distribute as equitably as possible. This is boosted by seasonal pulled grass, carrots and wholemeal bread. To aid good feather growth, I give Mealworm, lettuce, and thawed garden peas for the newly reared ducklings. We probably have the healthiest water birds in Scotland .
Not forgetting the over wintering Pintail refugee from the North ! Some people are still throwing their mouldy stale bread to the birds - PLEASE DON'T, it is poisonous to swans and ducks !!
An anxious few hours for Penny this morning as Popeye took the Cygnets on an extended sea journey - well along the coast.
Penny was pacing up and down the river calling for her beloved family for over 2 hours. Eventually I spotted them about half a mile away, with Popeye leading them back home.
After entering the river mouth, the cygnets did a short run - flight up the river after spotting Penny who was heading down stream to meet them.
An aggressive posture was adopted by both parties until the usual swan protocols were observed and bonding was complete.
Valuable knowledge was no doubt gained by the cygnets. Series of pics tells the story.
Got quite a surprise this evening while feeding the Swans and ducks, and had a brief double take.
Must have come in on the recent northerly winds that have been bringing the cold weather.
A Pintail duck feeding happily among the Mallards, something I have only ever seen in January or February.
These birds migrate south from Scandinavia, Iceland, the Baltic states and Russia.
Apparently less than 50 pairs breed in the UK and Ireland, so it's pretty rare. This looks like a female or a juvenile, nice to see and hopefully it hangs around for a while.
For the past 18 years I've had the privilege of watching and caring for the resident Swans on our local river estuary. I have been charmed and fascinated by their parental skills and beauty in the water, they are Simply Superb Swans.
Annual Membership to the River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust is £20 for a family, can be paid securely through the PayPal Donate button below.
Thank you.
The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust has been established just over 8 years. It has been brought to my attention that some indiv...
All Donations go to River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust.
EMERGENCY BIRD RESCUE, CONTACT The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust, PHONE or TEXT 0774861 6587. or Scottish SPCA 03000 999 999. Or email
Ducks often nest in gardens and unusual places in the Town, where the hatched ducklings are unable to get to a watercourse safely. The Trust will catch Mother and ducklings and get them to safety. Please do not throw bread to ducklings as this will only attract predators that will kill them.