Nairnshire Community Newspaper SCIO
4 months ago
WE ARE CUSTODIANS OF THE PLANET AND HAVE A DUTY TO CARE FOR IT. For the past 18 years I've had the privilege of watching and caring for the resident Swans on our local river estuary. I have been charmed and fascinated by their parental skills and beauty in the water, they are Simply Superb Swans. Annual Membership to the River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust is £20 for a family, can be paid securely through the PayPal Donate button below. Thank you.
The River Nairn Swans and Waterfowl Trust has been established just over 8 years. It has been brought to my attention that some indiv...
I'm so saddened to hear the news about Popeye. When a pair of swans moved onto our local canal your blog was one of the first ones I turned to and it enabled me to learn more about swans and to understand their behaviour and I got to see them in so many situations that I would never have though possible. Popeye has left an amazing legacy in the cygnets he fathered and through the work of your Trust which has enabled people like me to appreciate these amazing birds.
It's vital that we educate future generations to appreciate the wildlife around them; we can live side by side but on far too many occasions our wildlife is fighting for survival.Popeye's legacy will go towards educating people to understand and fight for that. Anne (Belfast)
Anne, Your sentiments are much appreciated, I share them along with many others. Popeye did touch the lives of many, and hopefully leaves the world a better place for people and other wildlife.
Very very sad indeed Joe 😕.
A very sad day
Dear Joe, I am so sorry for your loss. One of our cygnets on the Sankey canal died a couple of days ago when he flew into a pylon in the field adjacent to the canal. His death has saddened many local people so I know something of what you are feeling, however knowing a swan for so many years makes the loss even keener. Your blog has meant so much to me over the past few months and your advice via email has been wonderful. I feel as if I know you and I send you much love during this hard time. Through you, Popeye has touched the lives of many people and educated them to be better custodians of wildfowl in their own areas. RIP Popeye x Wendy
Such a very sad day. We often come through to Nairn to visit Popeye, Penny and the cygnets and to watch their progress. Popeye will be missed by all. Yvonne and George xx
Nancy' So sad to hear news noticed Popeye was missing. Saw cygnets and Penny coming out of harbour.
Penny was calling the young ones to go towards harbour mouth. She made a gurgling followed by a wooing. Sound.
I am very moved and touched by all the genuine sympathy shown to me today. I have had numerous emails from all over the UK and abroad, from people who have followed the life of the Nairn Swans.I first saw Popeye and Penny in the river in May 2005 and have watched their trials and tribulations ever since. I learned that Swans are gentle and placid creatures, contrary to popular belief that they are dangerous and aggressive. True, they can be aggressive but only in defence of their family or territory being threatened, otherwise they are gentle giants of the bird world. I have had several magical moments with them and was privileged to be allowed close to the nest at hatching, at one point Penny left the nest and cygnets and left me and Popeye in charge, he was totally relaxed about my presence and I was speechless with joy. I have not always been so soft with the animal world, but I have had a few epiphany points with these birds, opening a whole new attitude and world.
I want to thank all of you who have stopped by to voice your feelings, and Wendy I know how sad it is to find a cygnet learning to fly come to a fatal collision with wires. Sometimes the electric company have a wildlife engineer who will fit discs that the birds can see if the wires/ pylons are near water that is likely to be used by swans. It is worth checking, I have done it successfully up here.
So sorry to hear about this.
Joe you should be proud that Popeye had such a wonderful and cared for life under your care. Its nice to know that he had a little bit of heaven before finally flying there this last time.
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