Monday 4 May 2020

Lucky Duckling

UPDATE: 1am, Duckling safely tucked up under Disco, job done.

The first orphaned or lost duckling arrived today, courtesy of local resident Emma, who found it around the Jubilee bridge area. 

Luck was certainly on it's side today, not only being found, but by coincidence Disco our Trust Duck started to hatch her brood this afternoon! 

This will give me the opportunity to surreptitiously slip the duckling in with her brood during the night. 

With some still to hatch, hopefully she will be distracted enough not to notice the new addition ! Last year I did a similar thing and it worked fine. It is at least a couple of days older, but still young enough to hide under  Disco. 

Meanwhile it has been warmed up and fed, courtesy of the trust, while disco hatches her eggs, two can be seen this afternoon, she was sitting on 12.

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