Tuesday 10 November 2020


Slim Sue and the Cygnets, appear to be tolerating the presence of Briget on the river. 

Staying 20 metres above the bridge  allows Briget comparative peace to stay. I have to make sure that the cygnets and Slim and Sue come first at feeding time, while Briget slips in behind me for protection while she eats ! 

                       It's an uneasy truce, but I have to make it plain that the resident family come first. After feeding I escort Briget away unhindered,  which seems to satisfy Slim and Sue. Short video below showing Briget heading to her spot after feeding.


Brian said...

Hi Joe, fascinating to read about the interaction between these beautiful creatures. Nature is amazing.

jayteescot1 said...

Hello Brian, Hardly a day goes by that I don't learn more as I watch the interactions. Even between the cygnets and their parents, as they get older and bolder. All of them almost treat me as an elderly swan!!
Briget knows to get behind me, as I will stop Slim and Sue from attacking her, if I turn my back and move a couple of steps away, they move in to attack.
It's all about territory and food supply, and who comes first in the hierarchy.