The Cygnets are still here just 4 instead of the eight last year, they will no doubt get the boot when the weather breaks and temperatures rise. The 12th February last year was D - eparture day for the cygnets after, being harassed by the parents for 2 weeks or so beforehand.http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/02/swan-flight-goose-update.html

I took a few V flight shots the day before they left and they looked a flock in their own right, I hope they have lived well and prospered ! After they departed the parents hung about the pier end for a few days waiting as if they should return, the Pen having an air of melancholy about her. One did return for a couple of hours but then left for

On the 17Th May the hatching started and by the following day 6 cygnets were visible. When they all finally took to the water and the pen stopped going back to the nest I checked to see if there were any unhatched. Two eggs remained and from the smell it was obvious they were dead, perhaps


Within another 10 days another cygnet was taken in the harbour by a black backed gull, so I was told by one of the local boat owners. Already down to half the previous years brood I was beginning to fear for this lot when I was informed by Mr and Mrs Williams that a cygnet was stuck in the rocks ! http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/06/cygnet-saved.html

The parents had tried in vain to free the cygnet that had got into a crevice between large rocks. When I arrived on scene the cygnet was wet and weak but still alive, the parents had gone to the harbour with the 3 surviving cygnets. I pushed the trapped cygnet from under the rocks enough to grab it by the neck and pull it free. When I returned it to the parents a few minutes later it peeped and squeaked to get onto the pens back and she duly obliged after checking that it was really her lost cygnet. Phew...crisis over...for now !

Some however were delightful like the Sparrows feeding their young down by the harbour. http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/06/spartan-sparrows.html .

Not to mention the skillful River predator the Heron, great to watch and even better if you get a good photo of it. http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/07/assailant-before-beak.html .
One of the worst incidents this year was the near fatal attack on the pen by a black Labrador. She was badly bitten on the back at the worst possible time of year when she was in full moult. She had little feathers covering her and was trying to escort the cygnets to safety. The dog was apparently relentless, and the owner had to get into the river and try and drag the dog away. Fortunately I found out within 2 hours of the attack and consulted a trusted Avian adviser Sue Hulbert in Swindon. Sue is an expert at treating swan injuries and has treated about 80 swans this year alone. I phoned and emailed pics of the injuries etc, and she stressed the importance of getting antibiotics into the pen as soon as possible, knowing that infection always follows dog bites. I started treatment within 4 hours of the attack and continued for 2 weeks. The pen made a full recovery within a month or so, and grew her new feathers. What a relief, the Nairn swan family would have been finished if the pen had died. http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/07/dog-attacks-swans.html .

There are other dangers too like fishing tackle and inconsiderate anglers who leave tackle laying around. This can be lethal to wildlife, Twice this year I had to remove hooks from cygnets, and also picked up several sets of tackle which the Swans could have ingested. One cygnet in

In July I was pushed into the river from a 12' high river wall by a 19 year old local who crept up behind me. He was due in Court in October but this was adjourned until January. It was sheer good fortune that I was not killed or crippled. I look forward to his court appearance! http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/07/serious-assault.html

August saw no decent weather again, and a member of the public told me about a dolphin washed up on the beach. I went to investigate and it turned out to be a Porpoise. http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/08/dead-dolphin.html

In September I had the moat cleaned out because it had been filled in by shingle from last years big flood. It is now deep and wide enough for the Swans to take off and land if needs be. I was pleasantly surprised by our local plant contractor for doing the job at no cost ! http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/09/shearer-generosity.html Also this month some resentful - and to my mind despicable locals, decided to go to a community council meeting and make misleading and false claims about me and the Swans Island which I created. This was prompted because of my call for a few signs to be put along the lower riverside for people to keep their dogs under control. I would suggest you read the enclosed Nairnshire Telegraph cuttings, then my reply on this link . http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/09/axe-grinders-attack-islandand-me.html

In October I got a rare view of a mink doing it's thing in the harbour-looking for food wherever it could.http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/10/mink-gets-osprey.html

November saw quite a few interesting things on the go, one of them being a Sparrowhawk getting into my Aviary! http://simplysuperbswans.blogspot.com/2010/11/steven-nearly-gets-hawking.html

This Year I have put up over 170 Postings, far too many to keep rabbiting on about here. I would suggest when you have the time or inclination, you can trawl through the archives listed on the left hand side of my homepage at your leisure. Some of the pics I hope will entertain you. I look forward to the new year, better weather, and a continuation of the Nairn River Saga.
Thanks Joe for all you do to protect our wildlife. As the song goes, "Bless the beasts and the children, for in this world they have no voice, they have no choice." It is through the efforts and kindness of people like you that some of our fellow creatures are given a fighting chance for a happy life. Bethanne McIvor
Thank you Bethanne, your kind comment is very much appreciated.
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