Friday 18 January 2019

Gary The Goose

ad a visit from the Police whilst Feeding the river birds the other day. I was informed about an injured Pink Footed Goose which has been seen in the Harbour for about a week or more.

Was asked to check it out and see what could be done, perhaps with the involvement of the Scottish SPCA.
I made a visit to the harbour and sure enough there was Gary the goose (Policeman called him that ). He was very wary and headed for the water when approached. I took a few photos of him and looked for signs of injury, He appears to have a damaged left wing with some missing flight feathers, otherwise OK. 

Most likely shot and injured by one of the coastal cowboy wildfowlers. 

After contacting the SSPCA, they realised that catching him would be very difficult as he can run and swim well, and also able to hide under the pontoons.

The Trust has taken on the task of caring for him by providing grain feed, as the harbour has little or no food to sustain him in the long term. If he has no broken wing bones and only needs to regrow some new flight feathers, then it is possible he will make a full recovery - given time. 

The Trust and SSPCA will be keeping a close watch on his welfare, and would ask people to give him a wide berth and avoid throwing bread to him,  this would only scare him and attract crows and gulls,  he would not eat bread in any case. He is very much a wild goose and rightly wary of people.

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