UPDATE ! At 9pm when I left the river last night the mother duck had all 13 ducklings. At Eleven o'clock this morning she only had 4.
It seems my advice and warnings are again being ignored, and someone has been feeding the ducklings to the gulls ! When are people going to wise up and stop feeding the gulls, and throwing bread on top of day old ducklings !
Another fabulous Summer day, and more wildlife joy to be admired. Conditions have been ideal for the last month, and some mothers do have them - at the right time.
This mother duck came from around the Swans island area, and gave me a good look at her brood of 13 ducklings.
Hopefully she will keep them safe and away from danger.
If you happen to see them, PLEASE don't throw bread at them, this will only result in gulls taking the ducklings. Otherwise photograph, admire, and enjoy by all means.
Nairnshire Community Newspaper SCIO
4 months ago