I'm not one for blatant electioneering, But today I got a very positive response from Fergus Ewing which deserves a mention. Those of you following my blog will remember the Incredible court fiasco when the Sheriff judged my assailant "not guilty"after a non trial, and viewing no evidence. I am so aggrieved and continue to dwell on this miscarriage of justice so much, I wrote to Fergus Ewing asking if he would look into the case. He read the long Procurators explanation and found several things which needed answers. Without publishing Fergus's letter here in full, I will give you an extract or two which goes to the core of the case:
"If re-elected I am determined to pursue your case and can if you wish in the interim write a letter to the Procurator Fiscal and thereafter to the Lord Advocate. The letter to the Fiscal is designed to ascertain more about why the Sheriff granted the not guilty verdict “ex proprio motu” – i.e. off his own bat as it were. I note in the third last paragraph of page one of the letter it was stated that “we did not have an execution of personal service and this meant we could not seek a warrant for the witness...” I think it is not unreasonable to ask if this was a failure on the part of the Fiscals service and whether this failure led the Sheriff to make the decision that he did. I think it is also relevant to question the Lord Advocate as to whether there should in fact be a Right of Appeal in these circumstances.
Please let me assure you that I believe your case raises very important points of principal which must be pursued.
...it is our duty to make sure that the law is right and the law does not allow situations to arise where there are miscarriages of justice."
I am very impressed by Fergus's attitude and in depth look at this case, also his prompt response in view of the impending election ( the government is currently dissolved ).
The above SNP photo might be a good omen , since the Sheriff court is in the background !
He will certainly be getting my vote...as it happens he would have anyway, because I believe the SNP have done a reasonable job in the past few years. As an old CND man, I am of the opinion Scotland should reject Nuclear options too. I think the recent Japanese nuclear experience should open a few eyes that may have been closed as well.